My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator Chapter 35


A Black Hearted Family

Translator: Masakibluei

Yeah, this happened around 200 hundred years ago.

The start of everything was the monster tempest that plagued the country of Tenmark. There is a reason why the Royal Family demanded the spirits to summon their queen. The country went into crisis because of the monster tempest and they needed help. However, the Spirit Queen could not be summoned easily just like that. Thus, the Royal family set out and broke the taboo.

In the forest that is belonged to the Tenmark Royal family, a gate between the spirit realm and the human realm exists. The Royal family tried to forcefully dive into the spirit realm with that gate. 


------------For that, they sacrificed a lot of spirits.


The Royal family’s curse is the grudge of the spirits who were sacrificed.


Ellen: “No, I’m not that kind.”


I retort my mother with a broad smile on my face.


Ellen: “Rather than sympathize with their reason for breaking the taboo, I find that the Royal family who survives for a long time while living carefreely is very shameless.”


Mother is surprised at my reaction. When she sees Vint who looks really pale is standing behind me, she sighs helplessly.


Origin: “So she turns into the weird direction, huh………”


Nevertheless, there is a person who is delighted with my answers.


Rovel: “That’s my daughter!!”


I frown at my Father’s words, and says, “Esteem Father, that’s upsetting."


Rovel: “Why!? Ellen, it’s too soon for you to be in the rebellious phase!”     


As Father shouts that words out, Father pulls me into his arms and hugs me really tight.


Ellen: “UGHH.”


While suffering from his crushing embrace, I repeatedly hit his head. Then I realize that Father is truly sad.


Ellen: “……Esteem Father?”

Rovel: “Ellen, I’m sorry……I put you in a difficult position between the humans and spirits.”


While still being hugged tightly by Father, I gently pat my Father’s back.


Ellen: “Esteem Father, I certainly have human blood in my body. In addition, I really like Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Sauvell. Ah, Uncle Albert too. “


Father spontaneously smirks when I mention Albert’s name.


Ellen: “I’m Father’s child. At the same time, I’m also Mother’s child too. And I’m proud of it. Not even once I have ever felt any regret about it.”

Rovel: “……Yes.”

Ellen: “But I cannot forgive the Royal family’s underhanded methods to borrow the spirit’s power. “

Rovel: “E?”

Ellen: “Do they think they can act as they please because they don’t know about their ancestors’ heavy crimes?”

Rovel: “E………”

Origin: “Fu fu fu fu fu.”


The spirits around us are terrified when they see me make a villainous smile. On the other hand, Mother only indifferently makes a comment, “As expected of Rovel’s daughter.”


 Ellen: “I know that both of you are tired now, but what happened afterward? I was watching only until when you were talking with Aunt Aria……”

Rovel: “A-………”


Father holds his head down as he remembers what was happened.


Rovel: “That idiot confessed her sin to Sauvell by herself.”

Ellen: “E………?”


I blankly blink my eyes in a daze.

Next, after that happened, Sauvell was confused when he found Aria kept crying by herself. Because the bride did not come back after leaving the party to change her clothes, the surrounding people started to make some noises and asked about her. Thus, Sauvell made an excuse that the bride did not feeling well so she would not attend the after-party to take some rest. However, when Sauvell who worried about her well being came to accompany her, Aria confessed that she was condemned by the Goddess because she has fallen for Rovel.


Aria: “It’s not like that!! I just, cannot believe that such a wonderful person will become my brother-in-law. I was so happy, and then……”

Sauvell: “……………”

Aria: “I never thought that it would become like this. I was trying so hard so that I could get along with him. But Brother-in-law is very cold toward me……I was worried of being hated by him and it made me anxious. I kept worrying about it………”

Sauvell: “Just because of that, you were condemned by the Goddess……?”


Consequently, Sauvell began to feel suspicious. He realized that this was not the only reason that made the Goddess gave Aria a warning.


Sauvell: “Aria……”

Aria: “It’s not like that!! Sauvell, you are the only one that I love!!”


Seeing Aria’s desperate appearance, Sauvell’s heart began to sway. However, what she had said soon afterward made Sauvell really furious.

Aria: “Because the Royal Family noticed the Goddess’s condemnation, they demanded to meet with Bother-in-law’s daughter. Then Bother-in-law scowled at me………He was really cruel. Even though I did not mean it to become this way. Why does the Royal family want to meet with his daughter? Isn’t that a good thing?! Why must I be hated so much by Brother-in-law!?”

Sauvell: “Aria, you……what the hell did you do!!”


When she saw Sauvell suddenly became really mad, Aria stopped crying.


Sauvell: “Aria……Up to the present, I had been telling you that I love you, but I had never brought you back to my home before. And I also had told you the reason so many times.”

Aria: “Ye, yes……”

Sauvell: “You should have known already that our Vankriff family had always been led around the nose by the Royal family!!”

Aria: “A……”


Sauvell’s words reminded her that the Vankriff family wishes to cease any contact with the Royal family.

The root of the problem was her attraction to his elder brother. Next, she was condemned by the Goddess during the wedding ceremony. The Royal family who noticed it used this to blackmail his Older Brother and asked for a meeting with his daughter in exchange to keep Aria’s sin as a secret. The worst of all, the person who caused this to happen did not seem to regret her action. In fact, she did not think that she did something bad.


Sauvell: “………I don’t want to see your face for a while.”


After he spat out those words, he returned to his room.


Aria: “Hu, husband! Dear Husband!!”


Sauvell left the room and slammed the door right in front of Aria who was trying to chase after him.


Origin: “Right after that, Sauvel told Mother-in-law everything and the whole family were furious. Lawrence also threw out a pretty intense killing aura………”

Rovel: “Regrettably, in the moment of anger, I told everyone that I won’t go back home…………Even though Mother and Lawrence want to see Ellen so much………”


After I hear the whole story, I become speechless. Aunt Aria no, Aria.

Aria has truly fallen in love with Father, and she decided to confess everything.


(Masakibluei note: Actually, Ellen called Aria as Oba-sama at first, which is extremely polite. But then she changed it into Oba-san. It’s still considered polite, but it shows that she had lower respect for her compare to other adults around her. Even Ellen still addresses Albert as Oji-sama.)


Ellen: “No way……Did she think that she would be forgiven if she confessed?”


Despite the repeated warnings that were given by Father and Mother, she does not have any sense of guilt about her mistake. If she truly thinks about Uncle Sauvell first, she would immediately remember about his feud with the royal family.

Origin: “It was a total mess. “

Even though Mother said those words with a smile, an intense dark aura is coming from her body.

When the spirits around them see her appearance like that, they say inwardly to themselves, ‘These parents and child are all black-hearted……’


Translator note: 

All right, so basically Aria has a full understanding that she has impure thoughts about Rovel. I think she admits to herself in the couple chapters before. Even though she only has been thinking about it, there is a possibility that she would act on those feelings, which is why she was warned by the Goddess. While this is the case, she does not think that she did anything bad. She is completely ignorant about everything else to justify her action as right. 

Sigh. I really feel bad for Sauvell now. If your partner is thinking about another person when she is in the middle of making a wedding vow with you, then the marriage is practically over from the beginning.  

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  1. They should consider blindfold the bride, so that they won't be swayed on the way to the altar.
    The manga shows clearly that she looks reluctant when it's time to say the vow.

  2. Thanks for the chapter! I can only wonder how this situation will unfold, it's filling me with much anticipation!

  3. I don't understand the Royal family's logic here.

    "We want to ask the Spirit Queen for Help in this time of turmoil"
    "but we cannot summon her"
    "I know, let us kills some Spirits."

    and they think the Spirit Queen will help them with that.
    How did the Royal Family even manage to think that is a Good Idea?

    1. Because they are self righteous scum bags. It isn't rare for nobels and, especially royals, to view themselves as special. The royals feel that their position is their god ordained right, that anything will go as they want, and that no one will refuse them. Therefore, as long as they can meet the Spirit Queen to make their request, there is no way she would say no, and if a bunch of human, or spirit for that matter, lives are lost, then they would accept it and be grateful for their deaths, since it would be of service to the royalty.

  4. 🙂Thanks for the Chapter!!! Lookin forward to the next Update!🙂

  5. I mean, I guess Aria is originally someone who was dating a married man. Even if he was married to a scumbag, he WAS married. And with a kid, too. I suppose we shouldn't have held too much hope for her character. Aria is a homewrecker to begin with, no wonder she was thinking of cheating even in the middle of making her wedding vows.


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